Beulie's ancestry

To begin with, Beulie was a twin, one of Mitzi's fifth and last litter of only two puppies. The larger twin was Basha. There is a YouTube video of the pups when they were seven weeks old which you can see if you go to YouTube and request "Basha and Beuli". (Yes, the spelling is different, no final "e".) If you do watch the video be sure to notice the dog that's forever digging. She still digs.....

Lucky us, we met some of the relatives. Basha was in the same training class with Beulie so we got to know her well. We've met both of their parents so let me introduce them.

Here is Papa Terrell, the yellow lab with another of his daughters, our Parisse. Parisse, half-sister to Beulie, is a special education doggy. We love her, but she's quite strange. We've taken her to five veterinarians, including a canine ophthalmalogist and canine orthopedist, but the only diagnosis so far is "strange."

We also know their grandfather, Bobby. Bobby sired nearly 800 puppies before his retirement last year. (It was a hard job, but someone had to do it.) This is Bobby with Demi on her Turn-In day. Demi was born premature, the only survivor of her litter, fed with an eye-dropper until we got her at eight weeks and six pounds. She later graduated and worked for a year but retired with a medical condition at 3-1/2 years. That's a whole other story.

I'll introduce you to Mama Mitzi later on but since they didn't meet until later, let's look at Beulie's puppyhood.

1 comment:

Kara and Jen said...

Aww, great pictures!

Kara & Jen